Focus on Educators’ Qualities, Not Titles, by Rabbi Ari Segal
Aug 10th 2017
Who should educate our children? As a head of school of a Modern Orthodox high school, I raise this issue because I fear we too often adopt a wrongheaded approach in answering that question.This wrong
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New head of school at Milwaukee Jewish Day School: Create generation mensch, by Zack Mazur
Aug 8th 2017
WHITEFISH BAY – After a long summer break, it can be hard for students and teachers to get back into the swing of things.But not for Aaron Lippman, the new head of school of the Milwaukee
Jewish Day
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Education develops tomorrow's leaders today, by Alan Goch
Aug 8th 2017
August has always played a significant role in my life.I moved to Florida, started my career at the Jewish Journal, and for most children, school was back in session during that month.When
I was get
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