6 Beautiful Large Tzedakah (Charity) Box (Pushka)es for decorating are a great Jewish Arts & Crafts Project all year round! These sturdy tubes come with a metal seemed top, coin slot, and plastic plug in the bottom for use and reuse! Decorate them any way you like - use markers, paint, stickers, or anything else! Great with our die-cut Aleph-Bet stickers (IN6010)! Great for Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Purim or just for any session about Tzedakah.
Contains: 6 White Tzedakah (Charity) Box (Pushka)es in package (4.5" tall x 3" in diameter).
Click here to see our huge selection of Decoration Materials (not included)! Please Note: Not intended for children under 5 years of age. Please warn children not to try to stick fingers through coin slot. Our medium Tzedakah (Charity) Box (Pushka)es - item (BEN025)- have the coin slot through the plastic cover and are therefore safer but are still not intended for children under 3 years.
Charity is a fundamental part of the Jewish way of life. Traditional Jews give at least ten percent of their income to charity. Traditional Jewish homes and businesses commonly have a pushke, a box for collecting coins for the poor, and coins are routinely placed in the box."Tzedakah" is the Hebrew word for the acts that we call "charity" in English: giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy or to other worthy causes. However, the nature of tzedakah is very different from the idea of charity. The word "charity" suggests benevolence and generosity, a magnanimous act by the wealthy and powerful for the benefit of the poor and needy. The word "tzedakah" is derived from the Hebrew root Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due.